Keys To Unlock Your Destiny:

Engaging On The Journey From Longing To Belonging

Do you know that deep longing for your life to matter and your heart to be fulfilled?

In our attempt to satisfy this deep yearning we pursue all kinds of goals and dreams in the hope to finally get to a place of happiness. But your destiny is not your destination. The key to unlocking your destiny is to engage on the journey that leads you from longing to belonging.

This book unravels misconceptions of our Western mindset of what a truly successful and fulfilling life is. Uta Schmidt highlights nine keys she has identified in her interviews with high profile leaders and role-models of our time. This book draws attention to the hidden treasures of wisdom in approaching life, which are not widely discussed and often overlooked.

Keys To Unlock Your Destiny is full of eye-openers and offers practical exercises for direct application in your own life. You will be able to identify key factors that will direct you towards authenticity, develop meaningful relationships, discover your true purpose, live your life with intentionality, and pinpoint the areas of growth that will make the greatest impact on your journey.

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